斯金纳(B. F. Skinner)
  斯金纳(1904-1990)—— 行为主义学派最负盛名的代表人物,也是世界心理学史上最为著名的心理学家之一,被美国心理学界评为20世纪心理学家中的第一人。直到今天,他的思想在心理学研究、教育和心理治疗中仍然被广为应用。
  斯金纳还将操作性条件反射理论应用于对人的研究,他认为,人是没有尊严和自由的,人们做出某种行为,不做出某种行为,只取决于一个影响因素,那就是行为的后果。人并不能自由选择自己的行为,而是根据奖惩来决定自己以何种方式行动,因此,人既没有选择自己行为的自由,也没有任何的尊严,人和动物没有什么两样。 斯金纳还将自己的强化理论推广到教育心理学领域,他提出了一种新型的教育模式,并研制设计出了新型的教学机器。在他的领导之下,新教材开始编制,教学机器也在各大中学校广为应用,一时间在教育界掀起了一场轰轰烈烈的程序教学运动。斯金纳在各个领域推销他的操作性条件反射理论,在心理治疗领域,他提出了塑造行为的行为矫正技术,不断地利用奖惩来塑造人们的行为,促使人们做出好的行为,改变不良行为。现在行为主义学派的行为矫正技术仍然在心理治疗领域广为应用。
  斯金纳还提出了自己对理想社会的设想,在其名著《沃尔登第二》一书中,他描述了一个理想的乌托邦似的社会,在这个社会中,孩子从诞生之日起,就通过强化来进行严格的行为形成训练,孩子们要被训练成具有合作精神和社交能力的人,所有的训练都是为了社会全体成员的利益和幸福。这本书在美国极受推崇,大学生们尤其热衷于阅读此书,在美国弗吉尼亚州,甚至还有人真正根据《沃尔登第二》的模式建立起了一个公社。 斯金纳在美国公众中的名声远比在心理学界的名声大得多,一位崇拜者写道:“(斯金纳)是一个神话中的著名人物......科学家英雄,普洛米休斯式的播火者,技艺高超的技术专家......敢于打破偶像的人,不畏权威的人,他解放了我们的思想,从而脱离了古代的局限。”这些话虽然有些夸张,但斯金纳在心理学界的贡献仍然是不可磨灭的。
  斯金纳的主要著作有: 《有机体的行为》 (1938)、 《科学和人类行为》(1953)、《言语行为》(1957)、《强化程序》(1957)、《教学技术》(1968)、 《关于行为主义》(1974)、 《超越自由和尊严》(1971)等。
Burrhus Frederic Skinner (1904-1990)
  B. F. Skinner is considered to be the father of operant conditioning and programmed instruction. He was born in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania and he did not enter college with the intention of becoming a psychologist, majoring instead of English at Hamilton College in New York. Originally Skinner wanted to become a writer, but his father reluctantly agreed. Subsequently he undertook graduate studies at Harvard and began his research on psychology. Skinner studied at Harvard, and later became a professor of psychology at Harvard from 1931-1936 and 1947-1974.
  In Skinner’s article The Science of Learning and the Art of Teaching, Skinner described the conditions of the classroom to be adverse to learning. He argued that a single teacher can not individually and appropriately reinforce 30 students simultaneously. In this 1954 article, he conceptualized a teaching machine for use in the classroom by individual students. (Seymour Papert too envisioned a teaching machine, The Children’s Machine).
  Skinner stated: "When I am asked what I regard as my most important contribution, I always say, 'the original experimental analysis of operant behavior and its subsequent extension to more and more complex cases"' (Learning Theories for Teachers). He truly believed the purpose of psychology to be predicting and controlling the behaviour of individual organisms.
  Skinner thought that nearly all human behavior is a product of either biological natural selection or psychological operant reinforcement. Skinner believed that there were 2 kinds of learning: operant and respondent, however he placed greater emphasis on operant which he believed was controlled by consequences. He used animals as research subjects studying the reward technique which he later applied to humans. Skinner is a proponent of operant conditioning, and the inventor of the Skinner box for facilitating experimental observations.